
Hairy jasmine Learn more about Hairy jasmine

  • Jasmine and hairy jasmine sound similar, but they're very different.

    Jasmine and hairy jasmine sound similar, but they're very different.

    Original title: Jasmine and Mao Jasmine sounds similar, but they are very different in maintenance! Abstract: In the maintenance of jasmine, many flower friends will be misled by the flower market to cultivate a potted plant called jasmine, in fact...

  • How to raise hairy jasmine culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise hairy jasmine culture methods and matters needing attention

    Mao jasmine its flowers are also very beautiful, the smell is also very good, many people are willing to plant a pot at home, but found that after planting a variety of problems, so how should Mao jasmine in the end? If there is anything we need to note when breeding.

    2020-11-08 Hairy jasmine hairy jasmine how raise breed method and
  • Propagation methods of hairy jasmine

    Propagation methods of hairy jasmine

    Propagation is mainly cuttage, but also can be striped. The cuttings were cut from June to July, 3 branches of one-year-old branches were selected, 2 leaves were retained, and the cuttings were placed in the sand, shaded and moisturized, and rooting for about 30 days. Striping is also easy to take root and survive, the method is the same as the general crimping. However, it is worth noting that the fragrance of Mao jasmine is very strong.

  • The cultivation method of Jasmine mandshurica

    The cultivation method of Jasmine mandshurica

    Growing environment: Jasmine is suitable for growing in warm and sunny environments, usually growing at an altitude of about 1,000 meters. Because it is relatively cold, if it is planted in cold areas, it needs to be placed in a greenhouse during winter. And hair jasmine love fertilizer, suitable for loose fertile soil growth

  • Is Maojasmine poisonous? breeding methods and matters needing attention

    Is Maojasmine poisonous? breeding methods and matters needing attention

    Many people want to know if Mao jasmine is poisonous and whether it is the same as jasmine. Is Mao jasmine poisonous? Breeding methods and matters needing attention: is Mao jasmine poisonous? Mao jasmine is not poisonous and has a certain edible value. The volatile oily substances contained in Mao jasmine have the effects of relieving qi and relieving pain, relieving depression and dispersing knots.

  • What's the flower name of Mao jasmine?

    What's the flower name of Mao jasmine?

    Hairy jasmine belongs to the family Oleaceae, is a climbing shrub, its flowers are pure white, fragrance is like the smell of jasmine. It originated in India and is widely planted in mainland China.

  • The only good growth environment of Mao jasmine.

    The only good growth environment of Mao jasmine.

    Hairy jasmine belongs to the family Oleaceae, is a climbing shrub, its flowers are pure white, fragrance is like the smell of jasmine. It originated in India and is widely planted in mainland China.

  • The solution of how to raise common insect pests in Maojasmine

    The solution of how to raise common insect pests in Maojasmine

    Hairy jasmine is a kind of flower that is very similar to jasmine. How to raise it? Solutions to common insect pests: how to raise hairy jasmine: 1, planting: potted hairy jasmine, every 2-3 years, should turn the pot in March or after flowering. Potted soil can be prepared with 2 parts of garden soil, 1 part of compost and 1 part of sand.

  • How to plant high quality jasmine?

    How to plant high quality jasmine?

    How to plant high quality jasmine? Please introduce the method jasmine is a perennial evergreen shrub of the genus Jasminaceae, native to tropical and subtropical regions. The slender branchlets of jasmine are angular, sometimes hairy, slightly vine-like. Leaves opposite, bright, broadly ovate or oval, veins obvious, foliage wrinkled, leaves.

  • Main points of propagation of vine peanut

    Main points of propagation of vine peanut

    Peanut vine strong growth, growth environment requirements are not high, full sunlight and half sunlight can grow well. Peanut vine has strong resistance to harmful gases and is very suitable for application in gardens.

  • How to maintain flowers in September?

    How to maintain flowers in September?

    How to maintain flowers in September?

  • How to transplant elm leaf plum, with soil / timely watering / combined pruning can improve the survival rate

    How to transplant elm leaf plum, with soil / timely watering / combined pruning can improve the survival rate

    The growth rate of the elm leaf plum is faster, and sometimes the flowerpot or environmental restrictions lead to the transplanting of the elm leaf plum. In the process of transplanting, care should be taken not to hurt the roots, and the maintenance management after transplanting is also very important. Good maintenance can improve the survival rate of transplant without adversely affecting the growth.

  • Grafting Seedling raising techniques and Management points of Plum Blossom

    Grafting Seedling raising techniques and Management points of Plum Blossom

    Plum blossom has been praised by many poets since ancient times. Plum blossom is widely cultivated in the Yangtze River Basin in China, and its planting and application prospect is good. The following editor will show you the propagation and cultivation techniques of plum blossoms for reference.

  • Is the cultivation method of square flowers jasmine?

    Is the cultivation method of square flowers jasmine?

    Plain square flower, this is also a kind of plant, can be good-looking, blooming is a small white flower, so what is the breeding method of square flower? Is it the same as jasmine: the cultivation method of square flowers: temperature, their requirements for air temperature are still relatively high.

  • Examples of seedling variety distribution in different regions of China

    Examples of seedling variety distribution in different regions of China

    What kinds of seedlings are there in our country? There are still many varieties of seedlings planted in China, and the main distributed plant communities in different urban areas are still different. today, we will mainly take a look at the collection of seedling varieties planted in various cities in China, which is only for your interest.

    2020-11-27 China various regions seedlings varieties distribution examples I state-owned
  • Propagation methods and management points of coral vine

    Propagation methods and management points of coral vine

    The florescence of coral vine is from March to December, and the flowering period is very long, so it is one of the flowers with ornamental value. The difficulty of artificial cultivation of coral vine is not high. It has been cultivated in Taiwan, Hainan, Guangzhou and other places in China. It has a good name of "after the vine".

  • What is the reason why Mao jasmine does not bloom? how to prune?

    What is the reason why Mao jasmine does not bloom? how to prune?

    Hairy jasmine pruning still needs to pay attention to skills, if random pruning not only achieve a beautiful effect, but also have a counterproductive effect, what is the reason why Mao jasmine does not blossom? How to prune: what are the reasons why Mao jasmine does not blossom: 1. Keep it in a shaded place for a long time, resulting in overgrown and thin leaves

  • Why does jasmine grow leaves but not blossom?

    Why does jasmine grow leaves but not blossom?

    Why does jasmine grow leaves but not blossom? The main results are as follows: (1) Jasmine flower bud differentiation and bud opening need direct sunlight, and there is no light in too shady environment, so it does not bloom. (2) too much nitrogen fertilizer and lack of phosphorus fertilizer. (3) excessive density of branches and leaves affects flower bud formation.

  • What does night incense look like?

    What does night incense look like?

    Nocturnal incense, branchlets weak, hairy, with milk. Leaves opposite; leaf blade broadly ovate, cordate to rectangular-orbicular-ovate, 4-9.5 cm long and 3-8 cm wide, apex shortly acuminate, base deeply cordate, entire, basal palmate veins 7-9, margin and veins hairy. Cymes axillary

  • Maintenance of potted peach blossoms, when will peach blossoms bloom?

    Maintenance of potted peach blossoms, when will peach blossoms bloom?

    Maintenance of potted peach blossoms, when will peach blossoms bloom?
